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Jay Crews
Born in Virginia
45 years
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Memorial Book
Eugenie Martens

Hello from Amsterdam everybody!


I was very sad today to hear about Jay's passing. I met Jay in May 2002 in Venice Beach, LA, where we all had a great time in our beloved "flee-ridden" hostel. I heard about his diagnosis last year from Dan Orlick, back in 2002 working in the hostel and self-proclaimed folk singer that could raise cat's hairs - actually, I have to take those words back now as he is well on the way to establish himself - and Dan mentioned that he thought Jay had already passed away. I said that was rather impossible as I was still receiving his often wonderful, ranting, political mails; unless they came from above and I wouldn't put that past him either :-) I will miss his mails about all that is wrong in the US and also with Mr Blair (I used to live in London until Feb of this year). Well, what else can I say? He will be sadly missed!

Jay and I dated when he lived in Asheville, N.C. in 1983–84. I have so many great memories of that time during my life. Jay was a blast and everyday was an adverture with him! Jay was one of those guys you never forget! I eventually moved back to Texas about the same time that Jay moved back to Winston-Salem, but we stayed in contact for awhile. He came out to Texas a couple of times and I had family in N.C. and would visit. Over the years we lost touch, but re-connected through the Internet in the mid 90s.

Jay hadn't changed at all— He was the same crazy guy with an adventurous spirit and a sense of humor. He would e-mail me and say he was flying to California to get his hair cut! That was Jay! In the last couple of years, Jay has become one of my best friends. We would talk on the phone for hours about everything and nothing at all. It was really hard knowing that Jay was dying, but he had such a great attitude and through it all, he could always make me laugh. I miss you Jay.
1994. UNCG. Jay and I were in a bit of a bind in our classes that fall semester. It was my last class and Jay had one more in the spring. We helped each other graduate. Thanks Jay, and you're welcome again :) After all that time in school I didn't want just the diploma - I wanted to walk, especially with my bud Jay. What's another 6 months right? All these years since, being able to graduate and walk next to my friend meant a lot, and is a great memory for me.
Christine Dumouchelle
Jay, What a free spirit he was.  He did throw the best parties at his house on Polo Rd in Winston.  It was a bachelor pad for sure.  Garage, nice kitchen, beer decorations and a loft.  Stacy was very kind to drive me there a few times to attend the parties.  The craxiest thing he did was in the middle of the semester, all of a suddend Jay ran off to Germany for a few days because he was upset with the politics in the US.  i'm canadian myself, can't blame him.  Rest in peace.

-Christine Dumouchelle
Life, women, politics and Bridge Day.  'nuff said.
Dan Blanchat
I remember all the parties Jay threw at that house off Polo in Winston-Salem. I remember when he and Johann drank a keg of beer alone. All those nights in the lab working on csc projects. I went to visit jay a few times in california when I was on business trips. He made choices I wouldn't have made, but he lived the life he wanted, and you have to give him credit for that. Jay, wherever you are, save a cold one for me.
Steve Bruton
1992. UNCG. Jay Crews and I are undergrads in Math/CSC.
Angela Davis
You know I never even met Jay but I feel like I have known him forever.  He and my brother, Kevin, were great friends and they used to take off to California for the weekend...some of the pics on this site were from the times they shared.  They had some great times and Kev has some wonderful memories of Jay.  Every time I think of Jay I smile because of the stories Kev has told me.  I am going to miss Jay, but I know I will meet him one day.   I don't know anyone who can talk about Jay and not smile...he brought so much joy to everyone.  I am surprised about how deeply his passing affected me - how can it be when I never met him?  That is how much impact his life has had on people.  Every time I think of Santa Monica I will remember Jay with great joy.  I know he will be at peace now and nothing can hurt him anymore and for that I am thankful.   I will keep Jay and his family in my prayers.
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